
Understanding Division 7A Loan Agreements: Key Deadlines and Requirements

By |2024-08-26T19:35:19+10:00August 26th, 2024|Accountant Life, Business, Companies, corporate beneficiaries, division 7a, Private Company, Proper Taxation, Tax|

When dealing with Division 7A loan agreements, it's crucial to adhere to specific timelines to ensure compliance with tax regulations. One of the most important deadlines to remember is that the loan agreement must be in writing before the company's tax return lodgement date for the financial year in which the loan was made.

Maximizing Trust Profits: The Strategic Use of Corporate Beneficiaries in Australia

By |2024-08-12T03:00:39+10:00August 12th, 2024|Accountant Life, Business, Companies, corporate beneficiaries, division 7a, Private Company, Proper Taxation, Tax|

Trusts are a popular vehicle for both investment and business purposes. One effective strategy that trustees often employ is the use of corporate beneficiaries to distribute trust profits. This approach can offer several tax planning advantages. Here’s a detailed look at how this strategy works and its implications. Understanding Corporate Beneficiaries A corporate beneficiary is

Breaking down Division 7A: Ensuring Proper Taxation of Private Company Profits

By |2024-07-29T14:51:18+10:00July 29th, 2024|Business, Companies, division 7a, Private Company, Proper Taxation, Tax|

What is Division 7A? If you have a company within your family structure, it is likely that you have come across a tax concept called ‘Division 7A’. Division 7A is a set of rules within the Australian tax system, designed to prevent private company profits from being distributed to shareholders or their associates without

What Business Owners Need to Know About 2023 Fringe Benefits Tax

By |2023-03-21T11:35:02+11:00March 21st, 2023|Business, Companies, Fringe Benefits Tax, News, Tax|

On 31 March 2023, the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends. With the ever-increasing budget deficits as a result of COVID-19, the ATO will be reviewing whether all employers who should be paying FBT are paying it, and that they are paying the right amount. The ATO has recently announced that the ‘FBT gap’

Changed Record Keeping Requirements to Claim Tax Deductions for Working from Home

By |2023-01-25T12:48:18+11:00January 25th, 2023|Business, Companies, News, Tax|

The ATO has recently released a draft tax guidance (PCG 2022/D4) for claiming tax deductions for working from home. From 1 July 2022, the ATO has explained that taxpayers who are working from home can claim deductions based on their actual expenses, or alternatively they can potentially adopt a revised fixed rate method which

Apply for Director ID before 30 November 2022

By |2022-10-17T12:27:52+11:00October 17th, 2022|Business, Companies, News, Tax|

If you are a director of a company and you have not yet applied for your director ID – the following information is important to you! All Directors must apply for a director identification number (director ID) by 30 November 2022.  Please note this also applies to you if you have a corporate trustee for your

Sole Traders and ATO Tax Time Toolkits

By |2022-10-03T12:02:57+11:00October 3rd, 2022|Business, Companies, News, Tax|

The ATO have recently flagged some common mistakes they come across for sole traders. These include: not adjusting expense deduction claims for private use; omitting wages or other income earned outside the business; and incorrectly offsetting non-commercial losses against other income. The following ATO link provides a range of information, guides & fact sheets

ATO to Focus on Small Business Tax Returns for 2021-2022

By |2022-07-04T11:46:38+10:00July 4th, 2022|Business, News, Tax|

In a release last 21 June 2022, the ATO said it will be focusing on small business tax returns for 2021-22. In particular, the ATO is concerned about: deductions that are private in nature and not related to business income, as well as overclaiming of business expenses (especially for taxpayers running a home-based business);

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